Training is a key aspect in the cultural transformation and the improvement of the safety culture. The Renfe Group has designed in its e-learning platform the course “CREATING A SAFETY CULTURE. YOU ARE THE PROTAGONIST.”. The course has been designed to be addressed to any employee of the Renfe Group, regardless of their previous knowledge, and the contents have been developed in order to:
– Understand their role with operational safety, even if they do not have safety functions assigned.
– Embrace safe behaviours in the development of their daily tasks.
What did you do?
The course has been designed by experts in Human Factors, pedagogues and railway operations, creating content through case studies based on situations and circumstances that already happened or could have happened. In addition, these case studies have been developed to enable all staff to see themselves represented, showing the impact that our behaviours have in the operational safety.
What were the results?
The impact of the training has not yet been assessed.
Author: Miguel Figueres-Esteban (RENFE)