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HOF in risk management

About this topic


Risk management, being a central component of the SMS, plays a vital role in addressing the risk in practical terms. It requires a coherent and consistent process of objective analysis, in particular for evaluating operational risks. In general, Risk Management is a structured approach with systematic actions aimed to achieve the balance between the identified and assessed risk and practicable risk mitigation (https://skybrary.aero/articles/risk-management). 

Risk is the likelihood of hazardous events having a certain severity. The risk is evaluated based on a common reference like a risk matrix for example and allows the organisation to identify the priority for managing risky events. There are 3 different ways to manage risk and they may be combined: partially or totally preventing the risk from occurring, reducing the severity of the event, and transferring the risk. Managing the risk may occur by using techniques and/or organisational tools at different stage from the design to the disassembly.  

Relevance to rail 

As with other high-risk industries, the rail sector is convinced that integration of human and organisation factors is a pillar for the organisation’s safety benefits. This may be seen in these recommendations for risk management identify and analyse all operational, organisational and technical risks relevant to the type, extent and area of operations carried out by the organisation. “Such risks shall include those arising from human and organisational factors such as workload, job design, fatigue or suitability of procedures, and the activities of other interested parties1.  

Approaches and models 

The ERA approach is that “The risk assessment procedure will contain approaches or methods to take systematically human and organisational factors into account and aim to remove risks at source in all SMS processes and procedures, when if possible. If not possible, human and organisational factors strategy should aim at minimising the consequences of the risks”. “There is a systematic approach for identifying the safety-related tasks and processes, and methods from the human and organisational factors domain are used for analysing safety critical tasks, e g task analysis, HTA (hierarchical task analysis), TTA (tabular task analysis). Professional human and organisational factors expertise should be used to select and apply appropriate methods.” (ERA Site : https://www.era.europa.eu/activities/safety-management-system_en). 


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