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Do you want to learn about Human & Organisational Factors? Safety culture, non-technical skills, health and safety, more?

Join us on this international and diverse network which captures in one place the valuable and enriching information and material, either academic or practical railways-oriented, on the organizational and human factors that you need.





Are you involved in HOF activities?

You want to learn about Human & Organisational Factors? Safety culture, non-technical skills, health and safety, more? 
Join us on this international and transversal network which capitalizes the valuable and enriching information and material, either academic nor Railways oriented, on the organizational and human factors that you need. 

Are you an HOF expert?

Are you a Rail Human and Organisational factors expert, a Rail Safety expert, a Railway Head of safety, or other? This space is made for you. Here, you have access to confidential information and can even create or participate in a discussion forum to initiate conversations and exchanges with your peers.